This is a photo of
"The War Room".
The battle ground
against dirt, scratches,
chipped paint and time.
This was the Restoration Lab.
Now closed as the building has been
torn down to make way for a self storage business. We are currently seeking a new location to continue this pursuit.
Below you may view some examples
of the miracles taken place
Far Left we see the face of a figure in the painting "Eviction" with a gush along the side
of her face prior to restoration. It is one of
two gashes that happened during the same collapse in storage that destroyed the original work titled "The Room". In the center photo we see the same area after restorative work
Note: All restorative work to this and all other paintings in this collection was completed by the artist alone.
"Eviction" seen her before being re-stretch. Not notice at the time of the shooting, the bullet had torn free some of the back binding which held the canvas to the frame. After removed from storage, as shown in both these photo, over years the canvas in this area had pulled away from the frame and had locked into this position. To attempt to pull back onto the frame at that time may have destroyed the complete work and it was decided best to have the painting placed onto a new frame. The original frame is still held by the artist with the bullet intact. It is hoped one day both the painting and the backing may be reunited.
To the left we see the
painting "Veronica"
before work was started.
Dried and clearly dirty
with marked areas
showing where the paint
had chipped and dropped off.
To the right, we see "Veronica"
restored as she first appeared in
1979 when she was originally painted
Here, in the far left image, we see the buildup of dirt accumulated over years on the canvas titled "In Time". In the center photo we see the same area after restoration. This painting was one of the most difficult and time consuming of the restorative projects in the collection. Along with dirt there were also numerous scratches and chips of paint fallen off the canvas. All in all, considering what we end up with (Below) it was worth the time and effort in saving this important work.